
why i prefer shoujo manga...

"In the year 300X AD, the age in which Earth was to be ruled by the Margarita Empire had come. The emperor, Tsuru Tsururiina IV, in order to make everyone in the world be bald, sent out an army of hair hunters. Hair hunting was going on all over the place.

Even today, Hair Hunter Block G under squad leader Pikari was rampaging through a village. One after another, they attacked the villagers and used their "hair cutting martial arts" and cut off everyone's hair. Meanwhile, a little girl named Beauty was watching these events unfold. However, she was found by Pikari. She had her hair almost taken when a whip like thing came flying and took Pikari down. Beauty was somehow able to get away. That long whip was actually a long nose-hair controlled by a man named Bo~bobo Bobobo~bo. He has been travelling around the world destroying the Hair Hunters. Upon arriving at the Block G headquarters, Bo~bobo suddenly enters a battle against Captain Haagen. Bo~bobo uses his special nose hair attacks but Haagen does not hesitate in countering Bo~bobo is faced with a tough situation, but..."

yeah, that's why i prefer shoujo manga :P


The one - chapter 64

i started school again, so i don't have much time... Yet, i've read new chapter of 'the one' - taiwan manhua, so some thoughts about what's happening there. It's all big spoiler - so if you don't know manga - don't read it :P

First thing, it's really pisses me off that she bacame so popular in such a short time. I can't believe it can happen in real world. And she's got bad mood, everybody is concerned about her... She comes back and there is no complain... IMO, in fashion world there are too many girls who can be as good model as her, so with this kind of attitude she would become out-of work. Another thing: how can it be that she bumps into Yin soooo often? Well, i've never been in NYC, but i believe it's quite big (Big Apple, right?:P)

On the other hand Young Qui at last did sth helpful. It's a shame this character isn't more developed. She should have some drawback or background or sth... Anyway one chapter more with Lele still in coma and i would stop to read this comic :P (it's not true, anyway, i'm addicted) �

And Yin is too easy to read :( It would be so interesting if he really was an asshole :P I hope that he will do or say sth unkind and Lele will decide to go to Paris (in fact, i believe she will go). Anyway, she should be left whit no hope. Yes, i'm cruel :] �I want her to be happy at the end, but well... this end shouldn't come yet :P


Sailor Moon - my beginning

OM Rank: 339

Categories: adventure, anime, fantasy, live action, romance, shoujo, supernatural

Author: Takeuchi Naoko

Chapters: 36 - finished (read here: http://www.mangafox.com/manga/sailor_moon/v01/c001.1/ )


episodes: 200 - finished (5 seasons)

director:  Junichi Satō, Kunihiko Ikuhara, Takuya Igarashi

A lot to write about :) And... is there anybody, who hasn't heard about Sailor Moon?

Well... That was the first anime i had ever watched. I was about 4 then  and it was still brand-new series, so on TV there was only the first season. I remember i liked it a lot :D Of course i was playing with friends we're sailors ;)

Then, 5 years later it was on TV once again. There were also comics, magazines, manga (but i wasn't intrested in it). Yeah, i think thats the moment when manga & anime became popular in Poland for the first time. The show was about 5 minutes after i finished lessons so i used to run from school to home like for a life ;) My friends didn't understand it :D

Then came Pokemons, Digimons, Shaman King (all on TV)  but Sailor Moon remain as my favorite series from the childhood. Without any problem i could recall all name and places. Well... anybody else could, so i stay silent;) 

One day my friend started to download anime (God bless torrents!) and Sailor Moon was one of the first. She borrowed me DVDs with 2 first seasons and during the time i was waiting for next i looked for manga. This way i discovered onemanga and mangafox ;) Manga was so fascinating i couldn't stop reading! And anime... i didn't finished it at all :P

I think, i'll compare manga & anime in new post... Just a little bit later